
Linggo, Hunyo 28, 2015

Net Neutrality: Does It Still Exist in the Digital Market

PLDT Alpha Enterprise's Head of Corporate Business Solutions, Mr. Benedict Patrick Alcoseba, was questioned about how SafeZone is very much anti-net neutrality.

PLDT's SafeZone gives preference to big companies who can afford the service. How about small to medium enterprises who don't have the money to join SafeZone?

We must understand that telcos should just provide the "pipe" without any preference to any type of content, or company, for that matter. PLDT is using its market power to benefit only a few and blatantly disregards how openness the Internet should be. If you don't have the dough to pay the necessary cost of shouldering the expense incurred by your customers on the PLDT pipeline, then the customers might just make use of the competitors services.

We also cannot use SafeZone if we are not using a PLDT, Smart or Sun line because it is limited only to their subscribers.

As a telco company, what has PLDT really have done to encourage utilization of services over the Internet? There's 46K public schools out there but only 17% are accessible via Internet.

What is PLDT doing to address the lack of broadband infrastructure, and with regards to the Internet speed that is not at par with our neighbors?

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