
Biyernes, Abril 12, 2013

Online Slang Dictionary Gets the Panda Penalty

Have you guys heard about the issue regarding the Online Slang Dictionary?

Apparently, the Big G has penalized the site because it contains citations of slang us gathered by hand from books, TV programs and other sources.

"This site has more than 5,300 citations of slang use gathered from published sources, but we can't show them to you. Google penalizes this site in search rankings when we do. And even though all of the citations were removed 145 days ago, the penalty is still in place because we used to show citations.

This is a bug in Google's code that applies the "Panda" penalty. Though Google has confirmed the penalty, they have been unwilling to enter into a dialogue with me about resolving it. The site was blacked out to mark the 400th day of the penalty. I hope this will call attention to the bug. I just don't know what else to do.

Please help me in spreading the word. If you've found The Online Slang Dictionary to be useful, please let your friends and colleagues know about the site." 
