
Lunes, Setyembre 10, 2012

Toshiba Cuts NAND Prices 20 to 25% Today

If you recall, just a few months ago Toshiba announced a 30% reduction in manufacturing. Toshiba expected other NAND flash manufactures to follow suit to increase the cost of flash. Micron took the opportunity to gain market share and either held flash production or increased output. We’ve seen Micron gain some market share because of it, companies are even making special Micron flash versions of existing products, like the new OCZ Vertex 4 512GB M (M for Micron) SSD.

With the massive price drop, we can only assume that Toshiba is backing off their reduced output strategy. This is good news for consumers looking for even low priced SSDs. How good is this for consumers, well this is a quote from one of my inside sources:
“Full on price war started today. I just got news from ******, all SSD pricing were been cut by around 25%”