
Linggo, Setyembre 30, 2012

Farewell to Direct X ?

Tekkie Tekkie Muna (Let's have a coffee break, kahit ang orderin ay C2 Ice Tea and pancake), here are some info for your additional knowledge regarding Xbox 360s.

Ever wondered why games consoles look and perform better when they actually have less juice?

The Xbox 360's Xenos GPU has a less then a tenth of the processing power of a top-end PC GPU, so why don't PC games look ten times better?

'"It's funny,'" says AMD's worldwide developer relations manager of its GPU division, Richard Huddy. "We often have at least ten times as much horsepower as an Xbox 360 or a PS3 in a high-end graphics card, yet it's very clear that the games don't look ten times as good. To a significant extent, that's because, one way or another, for good reasons and bad - mostly good, DirectX is getting in the way." Huddy says that one of the most common requests he gets from game developers is: "Make the API go away."

"Wrapping it up in a software layer gives you safety and security," says Huddy, "but it unfortunately tends to rob you of quite a lot of the performance, and most importantly it robs you of the opportunity to innovate."

Full article at Bit-Tech <click here for link>