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Farewell to Direct X ?

Written By Wazzup Pilipinas on Linggo, Setyembre 30, 2012 | 3:35 AM

Tekkie Tekkie Muna (Let's have a coffee break, kahit ang orderin ay C2 Ice Tea and pancake), here are some info for your additional knowledge regarding Xbox 360s.

Ever wondered why games consoles look and perform better when they actually have less juice?

Gorilla Glass : Finding Out The Dangerous Way

Written By Wazzup Pilipinas on Miyerkules, Setyembre 26, 2012 | 2:51 AM

“Ainol Novo: Ainol Novo 7 Flame use Chimei Innolux IPS screen gorilla glass with 1280*800 resolution, better than LG IPS Screen.”

I don’t know how we would find out if our Fire has gorilla glass. But, I just experienced dropping my Fire about 2 feet high into a tiled and cemented floor. It dropped face down. I had to say a little prayer before finally picking it up.

But alas! the screen is still intact, no damage at all, and the device is still functioning normally.

Sorry, but I don’t have enough courage to poke the screen with some keys or pound it with a hammer. hehe :P

I guess that’s confirmation enough that our Ainol Fire and Flame uses gorilla glass!!!

Raspberry Pi Customized Case

Check out this cool customized case for the Raspberry Pi. It’s available on a per order basis from TipidPC senior member Cham E Lyon, TipidPC’s senior master modder.

When it comes to craftmanship, you can always rely on the superior quality that our master modder gives to his work. Every creation guarantees satisfaction, or your money back!

Final Fantasy Gangnam Style

Written By Wazzup Pilipinas on Martes, Setyembre 25, 2012 | 1:22 AM

Now I have seen it all! My life is now complete! Cloud and Sephiroth are feeling fabulous!

Optimizing Your Eken T01A Android Tablet

Rooting, firmware updates, and other fixes

The Sign of a Real "Tekkie"

Written By Wazzup Pilipinas on Lunes, Setyembre 24, 2012 | 11:39 PM

Nowadays, real "Tekkies" first go through a geeky process before trying out for the first time a recently bought or newly acquired gadget that's still virginal in its box or packaging - or any similar scenario where we get to try out a cool device for the first time. 

The PhysX Card

Generally, a dedicated PhysX card is not required, but it is a great option. A dedicated PhysX card is a great option if:

1. You have an extra Nvidia card lying around
2. You are playing games with hardware-accelerated PhysX
3. Of course, if you have an extra budget to purchase a dedicated PhysX card
4. Your PSU can support the main card and the PhysX card
Here is a good reference of using GTX 650 and GTX 460 as dedicated PhysX cards:

Epson Products Now Available In Group-Buying Sites

“Customers looking for great deals can now find high precision, energy efficient Epson products available in group-buying sites. “

Talk about added convenience to consumers too busy to buy them personally from stores. Epson products can now be bought online at the Ensogo online shopping site. But that’s just for starters. Eventually, they will soon be available in other group buying sites. Great news for us consumers!

Printers Are No Longer Bulky Thanks to Epson!

Epson Philippines  Corporation (EPC) shared with us some great news a few days ago regarding the availability of their “World’s smallest Printers”.
Boasted to be 15% smaller than their predecessors, these next generation of affordable entry-level inkjet printers would definitely be a best-seller for the consumers who look for bang-for-the-buck and quality-wise purchases.

Campus Tech Road Show 2012

ADX Campus Tech Edition is a first university wide, interactive event that brings in world-class talents and leading brands in the world of IT technology. By enthusiasts for enthusiasts,our goal is to share, empower and offer support to our communities by maximizing these computing tools to their advantage.

Is That Claptrap?

Claptrap of Borderlands 2 is in Torchlight 2? Hahaha

Devs promoting other a way

Torchlight 2 Trivia

Here are some random trivia about Torchlight 2

Alternative Download of Torchlight 2

For those with slow Internet connection, here's an alternative way to download and install Torchlight 2.

Guardian Cross for iOS

Guys, try guardian cross for IOS. Its a free trading card game. It's similar to Pokemon wherein you capture monsters and do battle (without the cuteness). Its developed by square so production quality is high.

Social Media and the Internet is the FUTURE!

If you're taking part in the world of Social Media, well congratulations because you are among the leaders of the future!

Special mention to all those online groups that made social media not just the new medium of connectivity, but also the new medium of sensitivity!

We are really "connected" now!

Enjoying Borderlands 2

I'm sure a lot of gamers right now are enjoying playing Borderlands 2.  It's definitely better than the first one, and still fun to play and explore its fascinating world!

Corsair Obsidian Series 550D “Quiet” PC Casing Reviews

Written By Wazzup Pilipinas on Biyernes, Setyembre 21, 2012 | 4:07 AM

Pinoy BlogFest 3.0 Schedule of Activities

Crucial m4 mSATA 256GB SSD Review

Despite having only four NAND flash memory chips on a tiny 1.8″ PCB, the mSATA m4 managed to keep pace with larger 2.5″ drives, including Crucial’s original m4 and most of the 2.5″ SandForce SF-2281 SSDs. In fact, in both of our real-world application tests, the mSATA unit delivered the highest or second-highest score, succumbing only to the OCZ Vertex 4. Likewise, the drive fared decently enough in our file copy tests.

Torchlight 2 Reviews

Written By Wazzup Pilipinas on Miyerkules, Setyembre 19, 2012 | 9:43 PM

Borderlands 2 Reviews

The Social Good Summit in Manila

Innovation. Social Media. Social Good. 
These three ideas converge on September 22, 2012 in Metro Manila during the Social Good Summit.

Organized by Rappler and TweetupManila, the Social Good Summit is part of a greater global movement initiated by Mashable to coincide with UN Week.

The event aims to bring together the country’s brightest minds and creative thinkers to come up with innovative new ways in which digital technologies like social media can be used to solve the world’s challenges and make this world a better place - and then translate these ideas to action.

Sony Unveils a Brand New Model of the PS3

Sony has announced today at its pre-TGS press conference that it will be releasing a new model of the PlayStation 3.

The new model is 25% smaller and 20% lighter than the current PS3 (itself a redesign from the original version), and will come in two flavours: 250GB and 500GB. It'll also be available in two colours, white and black.

I Am Alive Game Reviews

Written By Wazzup Pilipinas on Lunes, Setyembre 17, 2012 | 4:37 PM

Gangnam Style by GTA IV's Niko Bellic

Video created by Auxeum.

PSY - Gangnam Style (강남스타일)
▶ NOW available on iTunes:

NVIDIA Rolls Out GeForce 306.23 WHQL Drivers

Written By Wazzup Pilipinas on Biyernes, Setyembre 14, 2012 | 1:46 AM

For Nvidia Users, there's an update on the graphics driver for extra performance in some games like Batman Arkham City, Battlefield 3, Sleeping Dogs, etc.

Blade and Soul MMORPG

NCsoft today revealed that it is bringing hit Korean MMORPG Blade & Soul to Western markets and sent two trailers along to introduce the game to its new intended audience.

iPhone 101

Written By Wazzup Pilipinas on Huwebes, Setyembre 13, 2012 | 8:49 PM

Counter-Strike :Global Offensive

The counter-strike series haven't really changed much since it first came out in 1999. And the game sticks to its core elements even in its newest update, Counter Strike: Global Offensive.

Bluetooth and Wi-Fi

10 Things We Love About The iPhone 5

The newest iPhone at a glance (with a nifty infographic)!

iPhone 10

Is Selling Pre-Owned Games Considered Piracy?

Piracy is unauthorized duplication of patented merchandise, but buying second hand legit games is not Piracy.

Ainol Novo 7 Fire Review

Written By Wazzup Pilipinas on Miyerkules, Setyembre 12, 2012 | 11:20 PM


AMLogic-M6 1.5GHz Dual-Core CPU with Mali400 400MHz Dual-Core GPU
7" 1280x800 HD-Resolution IPS with 5-Touch Capacitive Screen
2.0MP Front-Facing and 5.0MP Rear-Facing Camera with LED Flash
Wi-Fi B/G/N, Bluetooth 2.1, Accelerometer, Light Sensor and G-Sensor
1GB DDR3 RAM, 16GB Storage with microSD Slot upto 32GB
5000mAh 3.7V Battery Capacity, Magnesium-Aluminum Alloy Shell
Pre-installed Google PlayStore and other Essential Applications
Android OS 4.0.4 IceCreamSandwich.

Ainol Novo 7 Crystal

AINOL NOVO 7 CRYSTAL. Jelly bean for $139.

Engadget news:  <click here for link>

Interesting MODs for Nexus 7

Bobclock D3 clock widget

Victims of EA

Handy infographic on EA.

GeForce GTX 660 and GeForce GTX 650 Launching

The launch of the new cards – GeForce GTX 660 and GeForce GTX 650 is today, 13th September.

The GTX 660 (non-Ti) is based on the GK106 core architecture which packs 960 cores and a 2GB GDDR5 (192-bit) memory. Core clock is maintained at 980/1033MHz and 6008MHz for memory. TDP is rated at 140W and card requires a single 6-Pin connector for power.

The Problem with Toolkits

Written By Wazzup Pilipinas on Martes, Setyembre 11, 2012 | 10:20 PM

Most common errors that we've encountered in the international forums are done thru the use of toolkits.

Raspberry Pi Model B Revision 2.0

Good news guys.... RPI model b rev 2 will be manufactured in UK not in China.

Based on what I've read, from the very start they really planned on producing the Raspberry Pi in the UK but at that time they couldn't find a company who could do it, that's why they decided to have it manufactured from China.

EA Tried to Buy Valve for $1 Billion

EA sought to buy Valve for $1 billion
FIFA and Battlefield publisher Electronic Arts has reportedly been making a play to purchase Half-Life and Portal studio Valve. The New York Times reports that EA has sought to purchase the firm for years, valuing the company at well over $1 billion.
Interesting part in the article
“Gabe Newell says company would rather “disintegrate” than sell out.”
Typical EA, buying out a good company. Buti na lang hindi approve kay Gabe.

Customizing Your Nexus 7

WhatsApp on Nexus 7 With or Without Rooting
1) Required apps:
A. Whatsapp apk- (download at PlayStore)
B. Appguard apk-<click here for link>

NOTE: Click "Download der appguard.apk (Version 1.0.3)"

Marvels Closed Beta Comes in October 1st

Written By Wazzup Pilipinas on Lunes, Setyembre 10, 2012 | 7:38 PM

Sign-up now for a chance to play your favorite Marvel superhero next month.

At last week's PAX 2012, Gazillion entertainment revealed three new characters for its highly anticipated action MMO, Marvel Heroes.

Toshiba Cuts NAND Prices 20 to 25% Today

If you recall, just a few months ago Toshiba announced a 30% reduction in manufacturing. Toshiba expected other NAND flash manufactures to follow suit to increase the cost of flash. Micron took the opportunity to gain market share and either held flash production or increased output. We’ve seen Micron gain some market share because of it, companies are even making special Micron flash versions of existing products, like the new OCZ Vertex 4 512GB M (M for Micron) SSD.

How to Build a Mineral Oil PC

Written By Wazzup Pilipinas on Sabado, Setyembre 8, 2012 | 10:32 PM

Mineral oil isn't conductive. The hot PC components will transfer heat to the mineral oil but there is so much mineral oil that it would be hard to heat it all up.

...and you can put a Video card also on the motherboard.

Pipo U1 Tablet

A new Pipo U1 tablet has been launched this week which provides consumers with an alternative solution for a budget tablet running Google’s latest Android 4.1 Jelly Bean operating system.

How to Get Headshots – Perfection Training

Getting headshots in Counter-Strike, DOD, COD4 or even TF2 doesn’t come easy. It takes years of practice, a fast machine capable of providing smooth game play and finally… skill. Yet, even then, there are guys who seem to have all of the above and still can’t get consistent headshots. Here’s why:

The golden concept: What you practice, you get good at....or more familiar: Practice makes perfect!

Remember that.

Gotham City Impostors

We've taken everything you've come to know and love about Gotham City Impostors, and made it available at absolutely no cost to you. And perhaps the best part of it all, is that you can play it starting right now! Go ahead and grab it on Steam, and get ready for some outstanding action in the streets of Gotham with your friends, fellow Impostors, and whoever else you can convince to don a cowl.

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